community christian church
Disciples Children and youth
The Youth participate in the Youth Fellowship. They have several service projects such as, Toys in the Neighborhood, CROP Walk, Souper Bowl of Caring and helping with other churchwide projects.
Disciples young adults
The Young Adults, On Da Move 4 Christ , suport the Tarrant Area Food Bank Food Pantry. Encourage continued study and worship in the church and fellowship with one another. Membership: Membership is open to ages 20-40.
Disciples Women's ministry
The Women's Ministry provides opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education, friendship, and creative ministries that will encourage and enable women to accept personal responsibility for the mission of the church of Jesus Christ. The Community Christian Church General Disciples Women's Ministry meets once per month after the morning worship service.
Disciples men's ministry
The Men's Ministry meets each 1st Sunday for breakfast at the church which includes a meal and speaker. The men celebrate an annual Men's Day each year in June and also support several needy families at Christmas.